What to Do During a Power Outage

If you’re in a power outage, there are a few things you should do right away. First, avoid staying in your apartment during the power outage. If you are trapped inside, prepare your food ahead of time and make sure that everything is safe before consuming it. Second, check all appliances and electronic gadgets for damage, and if anything is damaged, throw it away immediately. Also, prepare your first aid kit and survival kits in case your electricity goes out.

Avoid staying in your apartment during a power outage

If you’re unsure whether a power outage is coming your way, make sure to monitor local weather reports and other notifications. You may also receive a knock at the door from utility officials if they’ve planned to cut power for the day. Sign up for a local alert if you haven’t already. Another option is to call friends or family to see how they’re faring.

Prepare your food

Power outages can be a major inconvenience and can leave you wondering what to eat in the event that your electricity fails. However, if you prepare in advance, you can ensure that you will have some food to eat during a power outage. Non-perishable goods such as granola bars, dried fruit, beef jerky, and oatmeal are great foods to keep on hand during a power outage.

Check if food is safe to eat

While preparing for a storm threatening the East Coast, it’s a good idea to take a few precautions to avoid spoiled foods. The temperature of your food can become dangerously low if you’re left without power. This is especially true for shelf-stable and canned goods, which don’t need refrigeration or expiration dates. When power is restored, it’s important to check the temperatures of food to determine whether it’s safe to eat.

Check for damage from a power surge

The best way to prevent damage caused by a power outage is to know how to detect it. Power surges can result in burnt smells and can trip circuit breakers. Knowing what to do after an outage can help prevent more expensive repairs and inconvenience. If the surge has affected your HVAC system, you should re-set the unit and restart it. This will restore its function and prevent it from malfunctioning.

Check for water

When a power outage strikes, the last thing most people think about is the possibility of running out of water. Water does not require electricity to flow, but if the power is off for an extended period of time, a power outage can pose a number of hazards. Here are three things to keep in mind when a power outage strikes. In any case, you should make sure to turn off the water and check for water.

Prepare your electronics

Power failures can occur suddenly, from brownouts, which are brief interruptions in electricity, to blackouts, which are complete power outages lasting a day or more. Fortunately, you can minimize the disruption to your daily life by preparing for power outages ahead of time. While it might be tempting to keep everything plugged in, unplugging electronics can help protect your valuable electronics. Here are some tips on how to prepare your electronics during a power outage.

What to Do During a Power Outage