How to Choose Swimming Pool Lights

Changing the color of your pool lights is one of the best ways to liven up the space and add some style. There are many brands that offer a wide range of colors for their wakingpools light covers, bulbs, and shades.

It is very easy to do this! Most pools have an area with lighting fixtures in it so there’s no need to change what type of light fixture you have unless you want something different.

By changing the shade or bulb used, you can easily find the right match for any given situation. Doing so will depend on the season, how much use the pool gets, and personal preference.

This article will talk about some types of pool lights and why they’re important to have. Then we’ll discuss some helpful tips for people who are looking to install theirs. Finally, we’ll go over some products we’ve tested and our experiences with them.

Why are pool lights important?

Having adequate light in your swimming pool is very important to keeping it safe, clean, and appealing. There are many different types of lights you can add into your pool area, but unfortunately not everyone does!

Some people may feel that their pool needs less lighting, so they do not invest much money in them. This is totally wrong!

It is your responsibility as an owner to make sure your pool is properly lit at all times. No matter how busy you are, this is something you must address every day while in the water.

Not only will having proper illumination keep you safer by making it easier to see potential hazards such as broken glass or tipped over furniture, it will also help bring life back into your diving board and ladder.

By giving your body some sunshine, it will naturally increase the temperature of the water which could potentially improve your swim performance.

How to install pool lights

Changing the lighting in your swimming pool can be done several different ways, depending on what type of light you have and how much budget you have.

There are two main types of pool lights: directional (or indirect) bulbs and direct floodlights. Directional bulbs do not aim their light directly down, but instead shine up or down from the wall or side of the pool. This creates an ambient glow that helps illuminate the water.

Direct floodlights consist of one lamp that emits a very strong amount of light. These are usually installed just under the surface of the water so that only part of it is covered. Because this entire area is illuminated, people walking underneath will get some extra light!

Both types of pool lights work well when there is enough natural daylight for outside illumination. Most people prefer indirect lights during winter because they do not need heavy interior illumination.

Step 1 – Find the proper electrical connections for your pool lights

For both types of pool lights, you will need either brass or copper wire connectors. For more information about these connectors, check out our article: Tips To Keep Your House Stable During A Power Outage.

Brass connector: Use solid white bulbs with this connection. It does not matter if the bulb glows bright or soft as long as the pool receives adequate external illumination.

Copper connector: We recommend using cool blue or green LED bulbs due to efficiency. learn more

Pool lighting tips

Even though this may seem like an unnecessary expense, having adequate pool light is essential for using the swimming pool as a place to hang out after hours.

Most people do not realize how dependent they are on their night-time activities while in the water. If you need to get some work done, or just relax before heading home, your best bet is to have enough lights to perform your basic tasks.

Running low on illumination can be very frustrating if you want to use the pool at its most productive. There are several easy ways to increase the brightness of the water so that you do not have to spend extra money buying new bulbs.

This article will go into more detail about some helpful tips for swimming pool illumination.

Different types of lights

There are many different ways to add light into your pool area. These include using solar powered pool lights, adding external panel or track lights, installing underwater lighting, and creating your own internal illumination.

Solar-powered pool lights are one of the most efficient and cost-effective way to illuminate your swimming pool. They typically contain photovoltaic panels that work by converting natural sunlight directly into electricity.

These products usually have LEDs (light emitting diodes) which produce very little heat so they can be positioned anywhere in the water column or ground level. It does not need to be close to the surface for light to be effective!

It is important to consider where direct sun exposure is needed like outside next to a windows or during early morning and late evening when there is less shade. Make sure to check out this article about how to choose the best solar pool light for your needs!

External panel or track lights are another great way to enhance the use of space around the pool. Track lights look similar to having a yard sale with cables attached to bulbs at varying lengths.

You can connect them together and cover up parts of the wall or floor to make an effectual circle, line, or square of light. This is helpful if you want more controlled light or just to create some beauty.

Underwater lighting is also a good option to explore. Some people put small florescent tubes under their diving board to give additional light as they enter the water.

Suitable lighting fixtures

While there are many types of pool lights, they can be broken down into two main categories: appropriate light bulbs and suitable fixture designs.

With respect to the first part, most people agree that low-pressure sodium (LPS) lamps work best for swimming pools. These come in several different shapes and sizes, but all emit a very bright, white light. Some have you mix them with blue gel sheets or filters to create an additional glow.

Incandescent bulbs are also a popular choice as they typically cost less than LPS bulbs. However, these do not produce as much light intensity per dollar spent.

When it comes to adequate pool light fixtures, one must consider the effect the design will have on overall safety and ease of use. For instance, rounded corners make it easier to get around the edge of the water because your feet don’t hit a hard surface.

However, if you were ever needed to access the floor, you would likely need help since you could no longer see it. There is some disagreement about whether or not this is considered safe due to potential accidents.

We recommend staying within certain boundaries to ensure both safety and effectiveness.

Power consumption

With any device that uses electricity, how well it functions directly correlates with how much power it has to work with. The less powerful the device, the more limited its functionality can be. Lighting is one of the most fundamental parts of having an appropriate environment for activity or relaxation.

Swimming pool lights are important not only because they help create an attractive setting, but also due to the energy efficiency of these bulbs. Efficiency means that the light emits as many photons (the particles that make up light) per unit of electricity used than another bulb would.

It is very common for people to assume that brighter equals better, but this assumption is wrong! Brighter does not always mean healthier for you or your home and our natural environments depend on adequate illumination too.

As technology advances, there are newer, more efficient swimming pool lighting systems available. Looking into the various types of pools and their needs, along with what level of intensity is needed at different times, can ensure you are making the best choice for your pool and your budget.

Some brands will still use older, less efficient technology inefficently so do some research and read product reviews to get quality insights.

Location of the pool lights

There are two main types of pool light-balloon mounted and surface mount. Balloon mounted lights typically have a clear dome that covers the space where the light bulbs will be, and are usually attached to the wall or ceiling with a clamp.

Surface mounted lights can be installed at any height and angle, but require an even amount of light across the entire area. These depend on photovoltaic cells to power them so they must be connected to a power source such as a battery or solar panel!

Both types of pool lighting are very popular due to their versatility. For example, you could put one next to the steps and get some nice indirect light, or next to the hot tub for some additional ambiance.

Either type of fixture is perfect if you are looking to make your swimming experience more pleasant. If you feel tired while in the water, having softer illumination can help relax you. The same goes for if someone else was using the facilities before you, now they can use those without getting too bright or uneven levels of light.

These types of fixtures are also helpful if there is not enough natural sunlight during parts of the day.

Laws and permits

Having adequate pool light is definitely one of the top must-haves for any homeowner. However, before you start looking into which lights are best, you first need to make sure you have the proper laws and permit to install them!

In some states, such as California, it’s illegal to use electricity in water except for medical purposes or during outdoor winter swimming season (January through March).

These rules don’t apply to individual swim lanes or pools that do not contain more than 4 feet of water depth. In these cases, electricity can be used for illumination purposes anywhere within the radius defined by state law.

However, outside this legal limit there may still be regulations about power limits for certain areas or types of swimmers.

How to Choose Swimming Pool Lights