How Fitcoach is Revolutionizing the Fitness Industry

There are countless fitness apps on the market, and each one promises to get you into the best shape of your life and change the way you view fitness. Unfortunately, most of these apps either don’t deliver on these promises or are far too expensive.

However, the new Fitcoach fitness app by Welltech is changing the game. Not only does it have workouts and diet plans, but it also has unique fitness events, an intermittent fasting tracker, and much more.

Keep reading to find out how Fitcoach is revolutionizing the fitness industry!

Notifications and Accountability

Most fitness apps have workouts and meal plans, but they’ll only benefit you if you remember to open the app. Fitcoach is unique because it sends you notifications that are meant to encourage, motivate, and remind you of your daily workouts and meal plans.

Personal trainers have certainly held their clients accountable in the past, but with the invention of the internet, many of them will take on more clients than they can handle. As a result, you run the risk of not getting the amount of attention and accountability you’re paying for. At the price tag of $200-400 per month, that’s an expensive risk to take.

We aren’t the only ones talking about this app. Read this second Fitcoach app review to read why even more people are falling in love!

Personalized Fitness Programs

Most people think that a mere fitness app isn’t interactive enough to help someone reach their fitness goals. They think the only real way to achieve results is to hire a personal trainer at whatever gym they can find.

While this has been effective for some in the past, more and more people are finding that the quality of their personal trainer really is the luck of the draw. Some are well-educated and motivating, while many others are behind on modern research, don’t address your personal concerns, and are often downright demoralizing.

With the Fitcoach fitness app, those fears can be put to rest. Customers are guaranteed an in-depth and personalized experience every time they open their app. Take a quiz to discover your fitness needs and set up a flexible schedule that will help you stay on track.

The wealth of Targeted Workouts and Tutorials 100w

For those just beginning their fitness journey, experimenting with exercises at the gym can be extremely intimidating. A lot of gyms offer a free training session for signing up, but once those sessions are over, you’re on your own.

However, Fitcoach has solved this problem for its customers. Once you’ve taken the initial quiz to personalize your fitness experience, it’s time to explore the myriad fitness tutorials! You can choose from cardio, strength training, recovery, and much more. There are even options to choose which specific body part you want to work.

Each workout has a tutorial video that’s beginner-friendly and can be repeated as many times as you need. No more shame or embarrassment for asking questions at the gym. You can learn new exercises and correct forms all from the privacy and comfort of your own home.

Link Your Other Apps

Another amazing feature of Fitcoach is its ability to link to any other fitness app you might already be using. This extensive list includes but is not limited to:

Apple Health

Fitness Health


Motion & Fitness

This way, if you are already tracking your cardio, your steps, or any other part of your fitness journey, Fitcoach can synch perfectly and allow you to keep all your past data.

Diet Plans and Intermittent Fasting Tracker 100w

One of the main focuses of this app, along with the daily fitness challenges, is meal plans. The meal plans focus on realistic nutrition and healthy eating habits that are sustainable.

It’s universally acknowledged that one needs to be a calorie deficit in order to burn fat. When combined with the specific workouts tailored for you, the meals are designed to keep you in that calorie deficit.

Another incredibly unique feature that most other fitness apps don’t have is an intermittent fasting tracker. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help you build up your immunity, burn fat, and create a healthy relationship with your body and with food.

Intermittent fasting doesn’t mean starving yourself for days on end. It’s simply a technique of dedicating an allotted amount of time to fasting and digesting your food. Once your body has digested said food, it can focus more on recovering and repairing damage.

This practice can be a major missing piece in most people’s fitness journey, but Fitcoach ensures that you have every tool you could possibly need for achieving your fitness goals.

Raving Reviews

The Fitcoach app has over 100,000 5-star reviews on the Apple App Store and over 95,000 5-star reviews on Google Play. Customers are claiming that the exercises are accessible and easy enough that they can remain consistent without feeling intimidated. The average workout on the platform only takes between 7 and 30 minutes.

Customers are also praising the inclusivity of the app and that it has everyone one needs to organize their life and fast track their fitness journey. You can track your weight, your steps, your meals, your fasting/eating hours, your workouts, and your short and long-term goals all in one place.

All at a fraction of the cost of many other popular fitness apps.

Download Fitcoach Today!

If you think the Fitcoach fitness app sounds right for you, download it today to start your free 3-day trial. Once you fall in love, there are multiple plans you can choose, all of which amount to roughly the price of your weekly Venti Starbucks coffee.

There has never been a better time to start your journey to better health, and never have so many benefits been found in a single app. Welltech is dedicated to customer satisfaction and feedback. If you join the Fitcoach community today, you can rest assured that your amazing experience on the Fitcoach fitness app will improve even more with time.

How Fitcoach is Revolutionizing the Fitness Industry