8 Ways to Get Energy Savings at Home

Your home is a great way to save energy and save money, if you know the right way to do it. Here are 8 ways to get energy savings at home.

Households pay 6.5% of their total expenditure on energy every year. That might not sound like much, but it likely equates to thousands of dollars. And your energy bills will only increase this upcoming winter.

Do you want to know the good news? There are plenty of ways you can make energy savings at home. Not only will you be able to save money, but you’ll cut down on your environmental impact too.

If you’re not sure how to do that, don’t worry. These top tips will teach you how to start making energy savings today!

Invest in Solar Panels

If you have some extra cash tucked away for rainy days, why not put it towards sunny days instead? Generating your own energy via solar generator or solar panels is one of the best ways to make energy savings at home.

Some think that the costs vs benefits don’t add up. But if you’re living in your forever home then you will make the money that you spend on solar panels back. And then some!

Book a consultation with local solar panel experts and ask them for a quote. There’s no harm in scoping the idea out; it might be less expensive than you think. Plus, the energy is clean and renewable which is great for the environment.

Insulate Your House

Live in a colder climate? Own an old, drafty house? You could be spending way too much money on heating which your house isn’t holding inside.

Attics and garages are the worst culprits. Consider applying a layer of mineral wool insulation to the floors and ceilings of these two spaces. Use a strong, thermal sealant to fill up any cracks and holes.

You should also check your outside door frames, windows, vents, and sliding doors for cracks. Get some fun draft excluders to put under your door frames to keep extra chills out. Hang blackout curtains so you don’t lose heat through your windows too.

The energy savings these tricks will give you might seem small at first but will add up over the year.

Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

No, don’t throw away your oven, refrigerator, and microwave because they’re old and not energy-efficient! That’s a huge waste. And the energy savings you’ll make on your bills will likely not cover the cost of new appliances.

But if you are in the market for a new appliance, opt for an energy-efficient one. Most new electrical devices have an ENERGY STAR rating of one to six.

Choose appliances that have a rating of five or six. This means the appliance has the same power as your old one but uses less energy.

Consider Smart Home Systems

Isn’t it amazing how much you can do through the internet and apps these days? You can even control your home’s lights and thermostat this way too.

When you use smart systems to control your energy usage, you can turn them off and on even when you’re not around. Over time, your smart system will learn your routine and preferences. These energy-saving products will make suggestions to help you achieve your goal of saving energy at home.

Smart meters let you keep track of how much energy you’re using. But they also track the cost of that energy too. Seeing the dollars on the meter go up and up is a great motivator to find more ways to use less energy!

Wash the “Old-Fashioned” Way

Everyone loves convenience. Fast food, online deliveries, and washer dryers. If there is a way to make your life easier then it’s understandable that you’d use it.

But these time-saving hacks could be what’s making your energy bills so expensive. If you have yard space, consider hanging your laundry outside to dry instead of putting it in the dryer. Wash your bowl and spoon in the sink instead of turning on the dishwasher for a couple of items.

You could also try washing your clothes in a cold wash. Not using hot water will use less energy. And if it doesn’t clean your clothes as well, at least you tried.

Consider Your Climate

Do you live in a warm climate or experience hot summers? Then stop letting the sun’s heat pour in through your windows while you crank up your AC.

Invest in blackout blinds and don’t let hot air seep in through open windows. Spend your money on energy-efficient fans instead of wasting it on insulation.

Or do you live in a cold climate or have cold winters? You might want to put on a sweater over your t-shirt before you consider turning up your thermostat.

And you should throw open your drapes as soon as you spot the sun peeking through. This will let more heat in through your windows.

Adapt these energy savings techniques to fit your own specific needs.

Unplug All Your Devices

Believe it or not, if you have an electrical appliance plugged into an outlet then it is using energy. Even if the appliance itself isn’t switched on! This is a “trickle charge” and causes a lot of energy waste.

If you have outlets with switches, turn them off. And if you don’t, pull out the cord. There must be lamps in spare bedrooms that you leave switched on even though you’re not using them every day.

Swap to Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

It’s wasteful to throw away your working refrigerator for an energy-efficient one. But it is worth throwing away your old energy-sucking light bulbs and swapping them for energy-efficient ones. 

LED light bulbs save far more energy than CFL or halogen light bulbs. Yes, they are more expensive but they use much less energy and last a lot longer. 

Reap the Benefits of Energy Savings at Home

Finding energy savings at home isn’t only about saving money on your energy bills. That is a huge benefit. But it’s also about looking after the planet so everyone can enjoy it for many more years.

What a wonderful win-win!

Owning a home can be expensive, but there are lots of things you can do to cut costs. Browse our lifestyle and home articles for more top savings tips!

The post 8 Ways to Get Energy Savings at Home first appeared on DODBUZZ.