Versions of HTML

HTML or HyperText Markup Language is the core language that almost every student learns in school. This language is the reason why we have so many websites on the internet. HTML is used to create web pages on the internet. This programming language is one of the easiest computing languages that you can learn.

HTML has opened doors of creation for many website designers as you can customize your website according to your liking using HTML. The language was invented in 1991 by Tim Berners and first introduced in the year 1993. Since then, there have been so many different versions of HTML. This evolving language started with 18 HTML tags and now has about 140 tags.

By the end of this blog, know everything about all versions of HTML and understand what difference each version brought along with it. With so many other languages coming along the way, it is also crucial to understand how this language has kept itself relevant. Lastly, also get a brief differentiation between HTML VS HTML5.
Different versions of HTML
Evaluating all versions of HTML, we are discussing how the language was when it launched and what all advances it has seen over the years.
HTML 1.0
The first version of this programming language was launched to the public in 1993 when developers did not create or work on webpages heavily. This version of HTML laid down a foundational framework for creating the architecture of web pages. The main target of this version was to be able to add structure to the web pages.

Before this creation of webpages was more challenging and customizable. With HTML 1.0, developers could add headings, lists, paragraphs, and images to the web pages. Since this was the very first of the creator, this programming language was much simpler and had limited fonts. Although it was used to customize web pages, the options offered by this version were minimal.
HTML 2.0
In 1995 HTML version 2.0 was launched, which had considerable amounts of improvements that made the language more adaptive to users. The first and most prominent development was to make the language a standardized working ground that all web browsers had to follow.

Another significant addition that this version of HTML had was the introduction of two new tags that are, “forms” and “tables,” that allowed developers to add data. However, these tags didn’t have advanced features and only had buttons and text boxes, and the tables tag allowed developers to add data in a tabular form.

This version also led to the formation of the World Wide Web Consortium, which added one standardized approach to the creation of tags.
HTML 3.2
HTML 3.2 was the next in line and was launched in the year 1997, which had another set of improved features. This version upgraded the forms tag and made it more interactive for users. Among the first two versions of HTML, this version introduced support for CSS, which directly resulted in creating more appealing web pages.

This version was a hit because it made working with images better and more accessible, as developers could edit image size and other alignment details. Lastly, through this latest HTML version, users could use more characters like special symbols and other international characters that made HTML more widely acceptable.
HTML 4.01
With the next latest version of HTML that was released in the year 1999, users could link CSS files for all web pages using the tag. Previously users had to deploy them separately. This was a massive hit as users could maintain an invariant design across all web pages without writing the CSS code again and again.

Among all versions of HTML, this had introduced a new set of tags, including , , , and . The Tables tag also had new attributes like and , which allow users to add cells in rows and columns across the table. This version also had other feature changes like style sheets, scripting, etc.
XHTML stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language and has a stricter set of rules as compared to the previous versions of HTML. This was released in 2000 with the primary goal of reducing incompatibility between all browsers. This also made using XML tools easier. XHTML 1.0 also made these documents easier to access and work with in future versions of HTML.
Are you wondering what is the latest version of HTML? Then currently, the latest version that everyone has is HTML5 which was released in 2014 and is also regarded as the extended version of HTML 4.01. Some of the critical features of this version include new form elements, the introduction of audio tag, structural tags, and section tag that are used to make the web pages more organized.

Now that you have known the brief of all versions of HTML, here’s a quick analysis of how different HTML’s first version is from the latest HTML version.
We all know that HTML5 is a more advanced version of HTML that is fast and flexible. Although the first version did lay a foundation on which all other versions were developed. HTML5 is more user-friendly and also can be used on mobile. This version is highly customizable, unlike the first version. HTML5 is also compatible with all browsers.
Here’s an overview of all versions of HTML since the launch of the programming language; there have been several changes over the years that have made making web pages more accessible and more structured. HTML5 has brought some of the most significant advancements in the web development area and is helping web creators in creating more advanced web pages.

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